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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Zenith's 2-Paths

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-07-13 22:07:00
4 просмотра
and parrots... sorry a bit off topic. Pirates are cool. There is a lot of pirate activity going on between the two playable teams, with the pirates blocking the path to any of the asteroid mines. This map starts out pretty slow with the advantage going to the Imperials because their Acclamators are better equipped to deal with the pirates than what the Rebels have at level 2. Either way, a quick attack against the pirates is suicide early on. I do like the way the map is divided, with a large asteroid cluster in the center and nebulae on either sides of that. It allows the advantage to the defender when capital ships are coming through and puts more emphasis on fighter craft. There are just a two things I would like to see changed. One, each team needs at least one asteroid mine available to them early on. It helps the game get going a bit quicker and makes the playing field a bit more even. Two, In the beginning the pirates are fighting with each other and 50+ of their fighters get destroyed. It was confusing for me at first when I thought the other team was already fighting them. Unless they were meant to fight (which doesn't make sense to me because you can only see death flashes through fog of war), that should be fixed. Other than that, I like this map and would like to see a v2. the_stag
I like pirates in space skirmish maps. I don't like pirates in land skirmish maps. Why is this? I don't know really. Maybe because in land skirmish pirates should have ships on the water and swords
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