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Infinity Corvette

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-23 00:06:00
5 просмотров
Star Wars universe to get us as close as we can in this life. But I digress, let's should talk about the model itself, although I know you all just saw the name Warb_Null and went straight for the download button. I did. This is a corvette class ship (duh) made for the Zann Consortium. I always thought the Zann Consortium needed more ships, so this is a great add-on for vanilla Forces of Corruption or any other mod. It come equipped with a laser cannon, ion cannon, a missile and torpedo launcher. A little of everything, for any sort of reconnaissance duty. [quote] This is a model of the Corvette seen on the first pages of the comic Infinity's end The model comes complete with code and icons. some additional coding is required. [/quote] the_stag
I finally got to thinking, maybe Warb_Null is a computer. A super computer built to make the best Empire at War models we could hope to see. Or perhaps he is a droid that's been sent here from the
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