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Invader Starfighter

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-01-23 00:01:00
9 просмотров
period, with a very well done model and an equally good skin. Warb's creative tweaks to the concept make the model stand out further in its aesthetic appeal, making this one of his best works yet. Please note that some additional modding knowledge is required to get this unit working properly ingame. [quote]This is a model of the Invader starfighter as seen in the Legacy comics When i say seen, i realy meen glimpsed. I took a lot of artistic liberty when making this one. The model comes complete with code and icon. Some additional coding is required to get it ingame[/quote]
Yet again, Warb_Null gives us a great model to use in all of our mods. This time, we have a return to the Legacy era with the Invader starfighter, which should be familiar to any fans of the time
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