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Mandalorian Gauntlet

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-02-03 00:02:00
5 просмотров
is indeed a great model and skin, so get downloading! Please note that this release requires some additional modding knowledge to get working ingame properly. [quote] This is my latest release for EAW -- Gauntlet Assault Fighter -- by Warb Null CREDITS: Model : Warb Null Skin : Warb Null XML : Warb Null Icon : Warb Null The default texture comes with team colors. If you want the original color delete Gauntlet.DDS and rename Gauntlet_NoTeam_Color.DDS to Gauntlet.DDS Feel free to use this model as you please, no permission is required but please give me proper credit Thank You.
New, sexy looking model? Yep, it must be Warb_Null. Warb strikes again with the Gauntlet Assault Fighter for all of you Mandalorian fans out there. A quick look at the screenshot confirms that this
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