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SOTE Models Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-01-03 00:01:00
10 просмотров
are unclear on that point, but the rigging and UV maps are done by the mod team. If you like some great models with reused Petroglyph and Warlords textures, then these will go great in your mod. [quote]Hi folks a while ago I released our Lusankya SSD to EAW Files for free release. Well this is pack 2 I am releasing for Christmas. The pack features 4 models that have been used at some point in sote and were fully tested over the time they were in it. These are very old models we were using for the mod when I just first started modding, so as much as they work fine in FOC, they were not tested for EAW. They come with explosion fx and blast damage decals too as well as engine particles. JC[/quote]
The friendly modders working on the Shadow of the Empire (just the one) mod have decided to release a pack of very old models from their mod. These seem to be EvilleJedi's models, though the credits
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