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Ages of Star Wars

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-01-27 23:01:00
3 просмотра
boat G-10 (republic corvette) sith interdictor revan malak(space only) saul(space only) sith assault fighter sith fighter republic fighter republic bomber harbinger endar spire dark jedi(all 3 class\'s) Sith Lord Sith Marauder Sith Assassin republic soldier sith soldier Republic scout bike Gauntlet The reliance Doddana(space only) Sith Combat Droid Mark IV HK-47 Sith drop ship Swift Gun boat courageous Ravager Hk-50 Nihilus This release does NOT include the music; if you wish to download the music simply go to our site Downloads section (http://aoswmod.com/index.php?page=downloads) and download the music pack. If you have any difficulty installing this mod feel free to make a post in the tech support board on our forum. (http://aoswmod.com/Forums) All codes, models, and textures are property of Ages of Star Wars and may not be used in any other public mod for any reason. AI has been modified to increase the difficult of medium and hard. The 6 Jedi classes in this mod do not have custom models, they instead use obi-wans model. The reason why they are in the mod right now is for balance. There are no custom maps in this release. This is a public beta so don’t go crazy if you find a bug, simply post about it in our forums and we will fix it in the next patch.
Ages of Star Wars Jedi Civil War Public Beta A new Galactic conquest based off of KotOR Skirmish land, space and multiplayer Galactic Conquest work. Units in the mod: sith missile
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