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Admiral Ash\'s Icons V3

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-04-02 22:04:00
8 просмотров
download. For a list of the icons available in this version of the pack take a look at the read-me below. [Quote]The last one going to be may last one, but what can I say, I love making new icons. This one includes all my old ones minus the Legacy era ones, but includes some REALLY cool new icons of rebel plex soldiers, Stormtroopers, Scout Troopers, Royal Guards and Infiltrators. I also was able to create icons ALL of the Imp Grand Admirals. There are two different Han and Chewie icons, the first one I made and a new one. The new icons I created for the Plex Soldiers, Scout Troopers, Royal Guards and Infiltrators were created so that they all look like the Stormtrooper icon. I never really liked that the icons for the Rebel Soldiers were of a single soldier, when it should be at least three or more to show that it\'s a squad. These were made using the ALO viewer.[/Quote]
This next edition of Admiral Ash\'s icons adds to the already numerous icons provided in his other packs. If you\'re looking for some icons for your newest mod version then you must give this a
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