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Admiralty Class Destroyer

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-02-15 23:02:00
4 просмотра
that people can use that as a picture reference. Thanks. Now I'm all for fanon and the expansion of the universe, but I feel this Star Destroyer may be a bit too powerful to fit in the niche the author wants it to be in. I think that's the biggest problem with fanon. But don't take that the wrong way, I really do like it and love to see new things. Additionally, the presentation section (below) is a nice touch. It's rare that anything gets this sort of attention to detail or fanfare. the_stag
I'm not familiar with a winged Star Destroyer that's not a Victory class. But that's not important. I would like the author to put a link in the comments section to the article on Wookieepedia so
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