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Arcade mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-06-27 22:06:00
3 просмотра
to the vanilla mod (that's a weird concept), the author has included several extra xml files to allow further customization of the game on the end user level. Of course, modding of mods happens regularly, but the author promoting this is a rarity indeed. Even if idea of modding a mod doesn't appeal to you, the basic version of this mod is very playable and an enjoyable experience that doesn't overwhelm players. [quote]ARCADE mod for FOC 1.1 , Huges battles and lots of great tweaks from the vanilla game , AI more aggressive , Hutts as an AI faction, New campaigns , Allied AI ...[/quote] the_stag
I'm finding this mod a bit difficult to review. It's a good mod, with some much needed enhancements over vanilla and I found it to be very playable. The difficulty in reviewing it is that in addition
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