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Corporate Addon Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-01-05 23:01:00
7 просмотров
version of the Corporate Addon Mod! As always, there are some great new features and changes. You like the Jedi Civil War Era? You'll like this mod. There's been so many versions and changes that I can't go on about the whole mod here, it would take a day to write and hours to read. Here's some samples of previous reviews: [quote]...a plethora of new units for both ground and space as well as new factions to play around with ingame. Not only that, but there are some new GCs in which you can take over the galaxy with these new toys. I certainly haven't seen the Yuuzhan Vong as a playable faction before, so this should be very interesting to experience.[/quote] [quote]...the Republic as a playable faction and even more new units for the existing factions in his mod. There are some fun units around like the Malevolence, as seen in the Clone Wars TV show, and many of the new models that Warb_Null had released.[/quote] And you can check out my original review [file="100494"]here[/file]. Hope that get's you excited enough about this mod. Everytime I think wizardington has made something wonderful, he releases something better and surprises us all. the_stag
[quote]It adds a new era to the mod: Jedi Civil War, its space skirmish only. This version also fixes all of the AI bugs, and most of the unit bugs in skimish, space and ground.[/quote] New
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