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Corporate Addon Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-18 23:03:00
3 просмотра
brand new faction to the game, the Corporates, which ahs a wide range of units from multiple Star Wars eras. This mod offers a multitude of new heros and features that greatly change the game. If this sounds interesting then this mod should be a download for you. This latest version adds more to the older versions of this mod. [b]Changes from 1.6:[/b] [list] [*]There is only 1 Gc map, Equal Footing [*] Added 4 new Planets [*] Balanced out the Corporate Sector [*] Various Bug Fixes [/list] [b]New Features:[/b] [list] [*] Space Dock System, 3 of the New Planets are able to build other factions units if they are controlled by the Corporate Sector [/list]
Corporate Addon Mod 2.0 is a mod for Forces of Corruption by Wizardington. This is an addon mod that adds various units and other features to the vanilla Forces of Corruption game. This mod adds a
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