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Empire Mega Cheat Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-10-12 22:10:00
7 просмотров
which for some reason does not want to work. Imperial Ground Units: Changed ALL projectiles to Green. Example: AT-AT's now fire green turbolasers. Stormtroopers green blasters, etc. Imperial Space Units: Removed Ion Cannons, Missles, Torpedoes, and Concussion Missles. Changed ALL projectiles to green. Example: Well, they were already green. Changed Ion Cannons, Missles, Torpedoes, and Concussion Missles into green lasers. Turbolasers and average lasers. Galactic Conquest: This mod is meant to be played in "Equal Footing." As the Empire, you start off with only 1 planet: Coruscant, which has more credits and population capacity than the entire Galaxy put together! You can build Star Destroyers, the Death Star, and even recruit Darth Vader's flagship, the Executor. (More than once, might I add.) All Imperial Units: Now cost 1 credit and take 1 second to build. Imperial Heroes: I have made the Heroes sellable. As in, they're not heroes. If you lose them, their gone forever. I will make a 3.0 version which has them as true heroes. Projectiles: You all should love this one. I have the weapons like chain guns. They fire rapidly, have no recharge, and, given an opponent with VERY strong defenses, can fire forever! You will never worry about ammo limits again! I have not changed the Text. For example, the Star Destroyer's text still says it has Ion Cannons, when it doesn't. Turbolaser Towers: Now for Empire only. EASTER EGG! Has to do with a unit. I don't know if it will work online, but I do know it works in skirmish! That's all for now! Credits: Me. Installation: Open "Empire Mega Cheat Mod." Take XML folder and put it in your "data" folder.
This is version 2.0 of my Mega Cheat Mod series. This version is for Empire only. This makes all Imperial units truly invincible. Their Tactical Health is 9999999, as is autoresolve health,
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