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F-Clan MOD

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-03-21 23:03:00
9 просмотров
star fighter as a base, and scale everything up from there. The MC-80 is the size of my entire screen. That\'s not all this mod does, but it was the most noticeable. Check out the changelog to see the other changes that apply to different sections of the game. [quote]F-Clan MOD by Gerhard This is a basic mod that changes many things in galaxy an melee mode. For example the basic ground units cost only 1 cred as well as the space stations in the galaxy mode. Many weapons are replaced by others, the sizes of some ships are altered. The mod was tested and improved by members of the [F]-Clan Main-programmer: Gerhard Ideas, Testing \'n Upload: Sercendil Ideas, Testing: Roxas, Kai[/quote] the_stag
Most mods that alter the size of ships seem to make everything smaller, or at least they make a stock capital ship the base and then scale everything down from there. This mod seems to use the stock
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