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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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FoC Additions

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-08-31 22:08:00
7 просмотров
unique projectiles - 5.0 Added ZC symbol to the side of the Interceptor IV - 5.0 Added Saboath Fighter Squadron - 5.0 Added Saboath Defender Squadron - 5.0 Added Lord X Hero - 5.0 Added New Ship for Valgarochi - 5.0 Added Yellow turbolasers for all ZC ships - 5.0 Changed Silri Flagship projectile - 5.0 Remade Krayt Mega Weapon Projectiles - 5.0 Galactic Empire: Added 10 New SSD minor Heros - 5.0 Added New ISD ion cannon projectile (from rogue squadron games) - 5.0 Added Daala and Maw defence fleet - 5.0 Added New SSD Projectiles - 5.0 Added Tie Raptors - 5.0 All fighters without hyperspace now use a Carrier - 5.0 Added Tie Fighters, Interceptors,and Bombers to GC - 5.0 Improved Imperial Fighters - 5.0 Altered Blackhole Stormtroopers - 5.0 Reskinned the EX-F - 5.0 Reskinned the At-At MKII - 5.0 At-At MKII now deploys Darktrooper P1 - 5.0 Rebel Alliance: Red, Gold, Green, and Grey groups now use a carrier - 5.0 Red, Gold, Green, and Grey groups now limited to 1 per time - 5.0 Added Meditator Cruiser - 5.0 Added MC90 - 5.0 Added MC80A - 5.0 Added MC75 - 5.0 Added MC40A - 5.0 Improved Home 1 even more - 5.0 Added Reef Home Fleet Hero - 5.0 Added Outrider Hero - 5.0 Pirate Alliance: Added Sacheen Battle Cruiser - 5.0 Changed all fighters to Uglie Varients - 5.0 Replaced Hutt Marauder with Corellian Picket - 5.0 Added Starlancer weapon to all Dreadnaughts - 5.0 Changed the lvl5 Starbase super weapon - 5.0 Changed the Watto ships to Heros - 5.0 Added the Drifter, (Mon Cal) - 5.0 Added the Slache, (Crusader) - 5.0 Added the Enforcer, (ISD) - 5.0 Added the Admiral Goore, (Kedalbe) - 5.0 Added the Assister, (Neb-B) - 5.0 Added the Raider, (Victory) - 5.0 Added PA unique weapon, Flak Cannons (in space) - 5.0 Reskinned Falleen Rogues - 5.0 Added new model for the Droid Control Ship - 5.0 Universal: Resized all fighters - 5.0 Redone the Missile Shield Animation - 5.0 Redone the Gravity Well Animation - 5.0 Added Firespray Squadrons for all factions - 5.0 Added Oovo IV, maps by Swcorpinox73 - 5.0 Added New Cov, maps by Swcorpinox73, and Vinegarmoon - 5.0 Added Malachor V, maps by knivesdamaster - 5.0 Redone a hell of a lot of projectiles - 5.0 Created a lot of alternate shield blasts - 5.0 Changed all Ship Turbolasers to use better models - 5.0 Flame projectile now creates less lag - 5.0 Redone all screens and buttons for a new Green Glow - 5.0 2 Maps are also included, a 3 Player Malachor V map, and a 4 Faction Space Map, to play put 1 AI for each other faction, at which ever difficulty level, and yourself as the remaining faction - it is not Online compatible i think thats it (may be a few more, just cant think of them)[/quote] ~Scorpinox
The Next mod in the FoC Additions Mod Series. V5 adds more Units, Heros, and other things to the game. [u]List of added things:[/u] [quote]Zann Consortium: Added Kedalbe Super Cruiser, with
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