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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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FoC Addons

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-01-10 23:01:00
6 просмотров
added (2 buildable at a time and ship is smaller than original). - Second Arc Hammer added (2 buildable at a time and non hero). - Increased launched squadron counts for Star Destroyer and SSD. - Tie Sabot unit added. Empire (Ground) ------ - Dark side adept added. - All ground based companies increased in size (e.g - Stormtroopers now dropped in as 7 groups of 9) except for Tie Mauler (now at 4 per company instead of 5). - Imperial tie fighter added as ground based unit. - Bunker garrison increased to 15. Rebel (Space) ----- - Rebel specific Venator Class. - Home one supporting 8 additional firing medium laser hardpoints. - Marauder missile cruiser changed standard weapon to use Mass Driver. - Most capital ships have hangars and launch limited amounts of fighter squadrons. - Additional MC30 variant (MC30a) which is larger than the original and carries a much larger fighter compliment. - Arc170 fighter added. - Gallofree Gunship variant added. - Legacy Class SD added. - NTB630 Bomber added. Rebel (Ground) ----- - All ground based companies increased in size. - Rebel X-wing added as ground based unit. - Bunker garrison increased to 12. Consortium (Space) ---------- - Consortium specific Venator Class. - Aggressor fighter non hero unit added. - Tridroid fighter added. Consortium (Ground) ---------- - Bunker garrison increased to 9. Pirates (both space and ground) ------- - All companies increased in size. - Planet specific MC80 Mon Calimari cruiser variant (encountered ONLY over Mon Calimari and The Maw). - Planet specific Victory SD variant (encountered ONLY over The Maw). - Planet specific Acclamator Cruiser variant (encountered ONLY over The Maw). General Changes --------------- - All planets in GC have increased populations and credit values. - Population caps substantially increased for both skirmish and GC. - Space skirmish mines increased for all factions with two additional levels of upgrades (4 instead of 2). - 2 additional single player campaigns for GC. One is a limited 3 sided game with around 30 planets. The other has all 55 planets enabled with the Empire owning 3 (Coruscant, Kamino and Kuat), the Rebels owning 2 (Hoth and Yavin IV) and the Pirates owning all but 8 of the rest. - Almost all capital ships capable of launching fighter squadrons.
Empire (Space) ------ - Empire specific Venator Class. - Tie Bizarro unit added (launchable from capital ships). - Space based Tie Lancet (edited stock model). - Second Executor class SSD
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