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Galaxy of the Dead

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-12-29 23:12:00
11 просмотров
Galactic Conquest mode that puts in the undead as an unplayable faction. This faction includes everything from zombie wookies to zombie troopers and does a good job of making them look good. I never thought a stormtrooper covered in blood would look this nice ingame, but I am gladly proven wrong. Be sure to give this mod a try! [quote]This mod is based on the Star Wars book, Death Troopers. It adds the Undead as a non-playable faction in the Galactic Conquest maps Equal Footing and Gateways. This version is beta, if you find any glitches please contact me. I intend to add a lot more content in later releases, such as an infected space fleet and new skirmish maps. I'd like to thank Redtachi for making the undead models.[/quote]
If you've read the Galaxy of Fear books or the new(ish) Death Troopers book, then you'll be right at home with this mod. Galaxy of the Dead, made by the famous reskinner, 1upD ;), is an addon to the
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