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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Imperial Benefits

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-12 22:09:00
5 просмотров
Admiral Daala, commands ISD \"Gorgon\", recruitable on tech level 4 at The Maw only (space station level 4 required). (used with permission); - new hero unit in GC: Agent Blackhole, commands ISD \"Singularity\", available on tech level 3, allows production of Blackhole Stormtroopers on the planet it orbits. (used with permission); - Blackhole Stormtroopers (a.k.a Shadow Stormtroopers): this unit is the Imperial version of the Rebel Infiltrator, Blackhole Stormtroopers can travel the galaxy undetected and are invisible on radar in landbattles, they have \"take cover\" ability and can drop thermal detonators, (buildable on tech level 3, ISD Singularity required). (used with permission); - Made Juggernauts size more realistic and production time has been reduced. Rebel: - new hero unit in GC: Kyle Katarn added to all Galactic Conquest games (mainly for balancing issues), becomes available on tech level 3 (in XML; for some reason this is tech level 4 ingame), Kyle has Galactic Stealth, Thermal detonator and run abilities. Skirmish: - Added Noghri, Imperial Royal Guards and Blackhole Stormtroopers to skirmish landbattles for the Empire, the Noghri are available on tech level 1, the Guards are available on tech level 2 and the Blackholes are available on tech level 3.[/quote] ~Scorpinox
This mod improves the Empire\'s units on land and in space, and also adds new heroes and/or units to the Rebels and Consortium. [u]New in V4:[/u] [quote] Empire: - new hero unit in GC:
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