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ISD Vs Venator

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-04-17 22:04:00
6 просмотров
3, Admiral Thrawn\'s warship * Venator (old Republic variant) - buildable by all sides in skirmish, requires merchant docks or Hutt\'s outpost * Eta-2 Actis - light unshielded starfighter armed with laser and ion cannons; abilities: lock s-foils (w/animation), ion cannon shot * ARC-170 starfighter - heavy assault fighter armed with 3 laser cannons (2 front, 1 rear) and proton torpedoes; ability: lock s-foils (w/animation) - full skirmish/multiplayer support - significally improved UV maps for Star Destroyer model - remodelled Venator turrets, improved its UV maps - Acclamator fires the same blue projectiles as Venator and carries V-wings and ARC-170 starfighters - custom names for Venator and both variants of ISD - moving turrets work slighly better now - V1\'s Imperial Star Destroyer renamed to \"Imperial II-class\" - some minor balance tweaks, bug fixes and graphical improvements [/quote] The new Units look very good compared to the stock units found in EAW/ FOC.
This is the Second Version of Avenger\'s \"ISD Vs Venator\" mod. [quote] [What\'s new in V2] - new units: * Imperial I-class Star Destroyer - iconic Imperial destroyer available at tech level
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