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Jesus7Freak's SSD MiniMod

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-27 23:11:00
12 просмотров
are so powerful, I added the Tarkin_Retreat_Prevention. [*]Empire: Vengeance - 51 Hardpoints, buildable on kuat tech:5 Station level:5 [*]Rebel: Viscount - 62 Hardpoints, builadable on moncalimari tech:5 Station level:5 [*]UnderWorld: Eclipse - 60 Hardpoints, buildable on byss tech:5 Station level:5 (so the game would be some-what balanced) [*]Skirmish max credit set at 50,000 for those who want to battle it out with the SSDs right away. [*]4 Enhanced Maps [*]Tractor satellite working [*]New structure: Orbital Drydock Facility (repairs) coding help from z3r0x [*]Edited Equel Footing Galatic Conquest, so that Each Faction starts with the required planets to bulid their SSD. [/list] The models are not included, to save file space, get them [url="http://empireatwar.filefront.com/file/Lord_Xs_SSD_Model_Pack;83074"]here[/url].
Jesus7Freak's SSD MiniMod is a mod that changes a few things in the game and includes Lord X' SSD models in the game. The full list of things this mod changes are:[list] [*]3 New SSD ships, They
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