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New Imperial Heros

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-07-04 22:07:00
8 просмотров
V3: Rebel -Kyle Katarn- elite Rebel commando, proficient with explosives and sniper weaponry, effective against infantry (Available in GC) -Tani Ab'yla- Rebel commando, uses explosives in combat, effective against buildings and heavy vehicles -General Jan Dodonna- Finds weaknesses and boosts morale in space battles -Bail Organa- Rebel leader, boosts morale and provides discounts on corvettes and frigates, can remove corruption -Wraith Squadron- X-Wing squadron -Leia Organa- Commands the Rebel Dream -Lando Calrissian- Smuggler, can bribe enemies -Raymus Antilles- Now a ground unit with grenade attack Consortium -Prince Xizor- Underlord of Black Sun, can bribe enemies and pilots Virago -Jabba the Hutt- Hutt Crimelord, increases cost of bounties for enemies -Jodo Kast- pseudo-Mandalorian bounty hunter, can neutralize enemy heroes -Jorj Car'das- Smuggler, pilots a modified Barloz-class Freighter -Booster Terrick- Commands the Errant Venture -Talon Karrde- Commands the Wild Karrde (modified Pirate Frigate, has canon armament of three turbolasers) Empire -Grand Admiral Thrawn- Now a ground unit as well as space. Provides bonuses to allied units. Disables the Force in an area around him -High Inquisitor Tremayne- Imperial Dark Jedi, can use Force lightning -Ysanne Isard- Intelligence director, provides a combat bonus and can see into enemy systems -Admiral Daala and the Gorgon- buildable at the Maw -Admiral Zsinj and the Iron Fist- Super Star Destroyer, can direct fleet to concentrate fire -Commander Bow- Leads a detachment of the 501st Legion into battle, buildable from Officer Academies on Kamino -Moff Jerjerrod- Replaces Tarkin at Tech Level 4, reduces cost of Death Star but increases time of construction -Saber Squadron- Powerful TIE Interceptor squadron -Mara Jade- Assassin, can travel the galaxy undetected (New model, available in GC) ~Scorpinox
This is the Mod that adds heros for all factions, and is for FoC. It adds multiple heros for not just the Empire, but for the Rebels and Zann Consortium as well, New Heros in
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