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Return of the Clones

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-10-08 22:10:00
5 просмотров
introduces an Old Republic faction complete with old Clone Wars military hardware. This new version adds some units and fixes a few odd bugs. Enjoy! [quote] Play as the evil Galactic Empire, the corrupt Zann Consortium, the heroic Galactic Republic, or the new Rebel Alliance! As the Empire reaches new heights of power, challenges form against its rule. While the corrupt Tyber Zann collects and upgrades relics from the Clone Wars to aid his bid for power, a new Republic rises in the outer rim. Taking control of Kamino, new Supreme Chancellor Mon Mothma alongside Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi create a new Clone army, untainted by the Sith, and ready to restore freedom to the galaxy once more. Meanwhile from a secret base on Hoth, Borsk Fey'lya and others have formed a Rebel Alliance, determined to sweep away all contenders whom they see as corrupt... v5.2 of 'Return of the Clones' includes the restored Rebel Alliance with a few new heroes alongside numerous bug fixes and new models.[/quote]
For all of you Clone Wars fans out there, here's Darth Windu's latest addition to the Return of the Clones mod! In case you aren't familiar with previous versions, this mod adds many new units and
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