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Rise of the Mandalorians

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-12 22:04:00
11 просмотров
thorough and you can tell the author has really put his time into this release. Of course with such an undertaking there are bound to be bugs. I only a small one with the Solo twins having one of their descriptions missing, but the other twin reads fine. The land tactical camera changes are noticeable and made me change my view during land battles for the first time. It lets you do pan up and down which wasn't available before. You'll notice it when you play it. There are so many other awesome changes that I'm not going to go over them here. I'm just going to mention one more thing: [quote]*Added a super-secret unit to the game....not telling where to build it or what it's stats are. No hints, but you'll know it when you see it :)[/quote] I'm pretty sure I found it. I was giddy with excitement and built a whole bunch of them. It was awesome. [quote]The next and final release of Rise of the Mandalorians. Version four is nearly five months of hard work compiled in to a single download! The filesize is over 1gig uncompressed so be ready for a heft download... Should be worth the wait though :D[/quote] And it is worth the wait. the_stag
Have you been following Rise of the Mandalorians? Then you're in for a real treat here. I looked at the change log after playing through a bit and although the list is exhaustively long, it is
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