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Sci-fi At War - V0.45

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-06-24 22:06:00
5 просмотров
overlooked. My complaint from my first review "balancing issues" has been mostly corrected by making everything very fast and very powerful. I'd cut speed and weapon power on most ships by 75%. But as it stands now, it's pretty well balanced. Oh, did I forget to mention the addition of Starship Troopers? Just. Plain. Awesome! [quote]This is the next installment for Scifi At War. It has a lot of improvemnts over the old one but still has some major flaws, like the GC AI bug, im still looking for a way aorund that. But that said its also got a whole new faction for skirmish (and GC playable but inactive fi not played, just like Star Trek), Starship Troopers, bringing this to a total of 5 factions. It has new turret and new models for all the other units we all. It also has new starbases for Bsttlestar and is relatively better balanced. Enjoy Spinobreaker[/quote] the_stag
It's been quite a while since an update for this mod. It's still fun, it still offers a little something for everyone, and it still looks great. There's still a few bugs, but most of them can be
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