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Star Wars Revolution: Pirate Uprising

Star Wars Revolution: Pirate Uprising

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-09-13 22:09:00
12 просмотров
only for space right now, this is only mod I\'ve seen that can actually hold the title of \'total conversion\'. There are no rebel or empire craft, stations or remnants (The only thing I saw was the icons on the mini map for the space stations were vanilla. But that\'s just me being picky). All three factions have been replaced with completely new, unheard of groups. Each has it\'s own signature style. There are distinct fire and ice, then the third has more of a nature look (I\'m still not sure what to call it). Playing galactic conquest kind of brought things into perspective, but it was confusing since only a couple things have been changed for land battles. Playing skirmish on a large map is where it\'s at. It\'s hard to tell if everything is scaled properly against eachother since there is no frame of reference. Some of the fighters seem way too big, while some of the capital ships seem way too small. However, it\'s nice because it allows you to see the detail put into each craft. I think this is going to be one of those mods people are going to talk about for a while. It\'s very well done, very original, and very pleasing to the eyes. [quote]Well, it is finally here. Long overdue by several months, I believe that this space skirmish mod has been worth the wait. Thanks to all of you who have patiently waited for this. It has been a long haul with just me and Trebor_EHHP making this mod from the ground up and, for the past few months, it has just been me alone working on it. I hope you enjoy Star Wars Revolution: Pirate Uprising.[/quote] the_stag
Wow. That\'s all I can say. Wow. Give me a minute to collect my thoughts on this expansive and well executed mod... \"Look at the size of that thing!\" i think sums it up best. Although this is
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