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Empire at War
FoC Mods
Starship Troopers 1st interstellar War

Starship Troopers 1st interstellar War

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-07-25 22:07:00
5 просмотров
bugs as seen in the acclaimed film and its sequels. Let's keep in mind that this is a beta release and is not finished. Rebelmoon has a handy list of planned features in his description: [quote] It's been four years since Panzer started his team to create a Starship Trooper mod like never before seen. After many pitfalls it's finally here. While he is no longer a part of it, I'm sure he would be proud. Here is the 1st public release of the mod. Now, while it's still in a Beta stage, i feel it's good enough for general testing and enjoyment. Since it is still a Beta version, there can be bugs. While it has been tested by my testers and, for the most part, most major problems have been resolved, new ones might still pop up. Please contact me with any bug reports/suggestions at my e-mail in my profile. Some things that will be included in later releases are: Hero bugs for the Arachnid Empire. New voice work for units. New models for the defense satellites and pirate/hutt stations. New particle effects for weapons & explosions. A space only Galactic Conquest. More canon SST user interface. Thanks, Rebelmoon [/quote]
It's here. Starship Troopers fans should be squealing with joy right now, because we finally get a chance to play a mod for Forces of Corruption that turns it into the war between the humans and the
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