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Strategic Expansion Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-07-18 22:07:00
8 просмотров
to easily add it to another mod(s) that I think it would go well in. I think the level 4 options for the rebels and consortium might be better delayed for level 5. But I also don\'t know what the author has in mind for level 5 options, so I\'ll just have to wait. On a side note, it\'s great to be back. I had some \"real life\" (read: stuff I needed to do) get in the way of what I wanted to do. My thanks go out to Enceladus for doing reviews in my absence. [quote]My goal with this little mod was to expand gameplay in Galactic Conquest, primarily by putting in more construction options for space, which in my opinion, was greatly lacking. Included in the mod are seven new space structures for GC. The Rebels get the Sensor Satellite, which removes fog of war during tactical battles. The Consortium gets the Smuggler Dock, which reduces the price of unit construction on the planet it orbits. The Empire keeps the Gravity Well Generator, which is slightly tweaked, and all three still have the Long Range Scanner. Every faction also gets access to Asteroid Mines (self explanatory), Orbital Colonies (which increase your population cap), Repair Platforms (they repair nearby ships in tactical battle), Orbital Garrisons (they give you more garrison units in tactical combat), and the Orbital Defense Grid, which is basically turbolaser towers in space.[/quote] the_stag
On one hand, this mod is well done and thought out. On the other hand, you can find something similar to this is most of the large mods. I actually like the smaller mods like this one that allow me
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