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The Path Of War V.1

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-17 23:03:00
5 просмотров
at War: Forces of Corruption game. Many space units are now scaled up to be larger compared to fighters. This adds a nice touch of realism to this mod. Units such as the Executor, Eclipse, V-Wing and Z-95 are a dded to skirmish games. One important change is that the Zann Consortium has been powered down which adds a bit more fairness to the Forces of Corruption game. Pay-as-you-go spending has also been enabled. If any of these changes sound interesting then consider downloading The Path Of War V.1
The Path Of War V.1 is a delightful mod created by FerralOne. In-fact this is FerralOne's first mod after FerralOne started modding about a week ago. This mod adds various small changes to the Empire
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