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Ultimate Weapons Mod FoC

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-14 22:04:00
4 просмотра
particle effects, such as proton torpedos. The Aggressor now has two make-shift super lasers. All artillery can fire much farther, making them a threat to almost everything. Special abilities have also been improved. Bombing runs will kill everything in their path, and orbital bombardments create an impassable area for several minutes. Also, to increase te carnage, you have a 1000 space cap and no ground cap (aside from heroes, MDUs, vornskers, nightsisters, and ewok handlers). I have also increased the AIs intelligence and income for medium and hard, making 3-way battles with an AI on your side much more like a real war. However, several units are extremely overpowered, such as Dark Trooper 3 when deployed, mc30s, and mz8 tanks, among others. But no ground cap and a high space cap makes up for this. Avoid using melee units, except for heroes. You may not be able to complete the campaign because of too powerful units. On a last note, if you use too many "extreme" weapons at once( MAL special, more than 2 aggressors including Tyber, etc.) causes extra lag. I will release patches if there are any major problems/requests. Enjoy!
Here is the much improved Ultimate Weapons Mod for FoC. All units, besides some heroes and Vornskers and Rancors/nightsisters, fire nonstop and incredibly fast, which can yield some interesting
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