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Empire at War
Mobbmann's Absolute Enhancement Mod

Mobbmann's Absolute Enhancement Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-03-20 23:03:00
8 просмотров
assault frigate spawn 4 fighter and 4 bombers, imperial star destroyers and mon calamarie cruisers spawn 6 fighter and 6 bomber. (note that assault frigates and moncalamari have 6 squadrongs of fighters, 2 a wings and 4 x wings, with one awing squadron and one xwing in reserve. The victory star destroyer and imperial star destroyers spawn tie advanced now instead of tie fighters. -size of all ships including capitol ships more realistic, fighters and bombers included. -ALL Capitol ships and Frigates maneuver better. -Unit cap has been raised with 50 for space and 30 for land combat. (land unit cap will vary a lot depending on planet) -Both alliance and empire can now build venators and nebulon b frigates (empire version of course has tie fighters and bombers, alliance xwings and ywings) -made tie bombers a little tougher and faster. -made y-wings a little tougher and faster and added another y-wing to the squadron to make for a total of 4 in the squadron. -Space station garrison forces have been redone completely: At level 1 the Empire will get 6 fighters, 6 bombers and 4 corvettes,at level 2 - they get 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 venators, at level 3 they get 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes and 2 acclamators, at level 4 - 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 victory stardestroyers, and level 5 - 8 fighters 8 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 victory stardestroyers. At level one Alliance forces will get 6 fighters, 6 bombers and 4 corvettes, at level 2 they get 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 venators. At level 3 - 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 nebulon b frigates, level 4, 6 fighters 6 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 assault frigates, level 5, 8 fighters 8 bombers, 4 corvettes, and 2 Assault frigates. -Space station garrison fighters and bombers all deploy at once and have only 1 squadron of fighter and 1 squadron of bombers in reserve. -Space station garrison units classes corvette, frigate and capitol ships will not respawn for that combat round once they are destroyed (once again it made no sense to have an endless supply of frigates and corvettes, so once they die that combat round you wont see them again until the next time your planetary system is attacked). -Space stations at level 4 and 5 will spawn 6 tie advance instead of six regular tie fighters.(for Empire only of course) -All frigates and capitol ship fighters and bombers all deploy at once and have only 1 squadron of fighter and 1 squadron of bombers in reserve. ( it made no sense to hold back your fighters in reserve and send them in piece meal so I made it to where they all deploy at once except for one that you hold in reserve.) -empire starts with venator and nebulon b available to build. At level 2 acclamator is available, level 3 victory star destroyer, level 4 is imperial star destroyer rebel alliance starts with venator and nebulon b frigate available to build, at level 2rebels get new corvettes, at level 3 assault frigates become available and at level 4 moncalamari cruisers are available. -All fighter construction costs have been raised to prevent spaming (mainly by the ai) -Heroes remain the same except now jedi and sith powers recharge about 25% faster -Mara jade and Kyle Katarn will now be in game from beginning, start with 2 companies of imperial guards but they will not be buildable (in the next version I will try to make it so vader, and emperor palpatine have a complement of 6 imperial guards in their companies) -All Infantry physical size including all heroes has been scaled down. -Indigenous units are now totally unsuitable for fighting, better used for capturing build sites or spotting targets. -I used the same ground Fighters (v wing, x wing, and tie fighter) from alviars mod but I made it to where the xwing and tie fighter do the same amount of damage but do half as much damage to ground targets. -T4B no has about 5% more life and 5%percent more attacking power -changed the size of AT-AA from 3 to 4 tanks in a company. -raised shield strength a very small amount on imperial hover tank. -infantry take way fewer hits to kill than before. -Elite stormtroopers and rebel special forces now come in a squad of 18 (expensive to build but much better than regular troops) -stormtroopers and rebel infantry squads are now squads of 36 (decreased hitpoints of all infantry) -Plex soldiers and heavy storm troopers now come in squads of 6 (they do as much damage as original version of game) -imperial speeder bikes now come in a squad of 6 instead of 2. -raised the build speed of imperial research center by about 10%. Its still the same speed to research new techs though.
-Added fighter squadrons to rebel frigates and capitol ships. Venators spawan 1 fighter 1 bomber squadron, nebulon b frigates and acclamators spawn 2 fighter and 2 bomber, victory star destroyer and
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