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[DS]: Half-Life Server

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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Всего материалов:  57

\"Final\"-Sith Frigate Reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
You thought Sith Frigate reskin wasn\'t very good? Well OmegaCal hears your cries and has made even more improvements to his reskins. Including bonus reskins to offer a variety to your collection.

Sith Frigate Reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров
Forgot the .dds files eh? Probably my fault. I didn't get around to this until both versions were already in the queue, so I just deleted the first one. It's a double win. Also, these reskins are

Reskin of the Starforge

Добавил: The DSystem
5 просмотров
It's like a feast for my eyes. A little better detail and higher detail in the texturing. If you haven't checked out the Star Forge yet, you can get it [file="114659"]here[/file]. [quote]This is my

Rebellion Dashboards Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
6 просмотров
I agree with the premise of this. And I have fond memories of Star Wars: Rebellion. So this is a double win. Not that I have anything against astromech droids, unless I'm at

HD Vehicles

Добавил: The DSystem
5 просмотров
As far as I'm concerned, these skins (not just this download, but the whole series) are the single best thing you could do to increase the gaming experience of vanilla EAW and FOC. There are even

HD Structures

Добавил: The DSystem
3 просмотра
Awesome. Not only was that fast, but they look great too. These files are super easy to replace the old ones with and they add so much more depth. The logos almost appear to be parts of the structure

HD Naboo Infantry

Добавил: The DSystem
6 просмотров
These models do have the HD look we were promised before. Much more noticeable than the previous ones. [quote]These are my HD versions of the Naboo Infantry I did before. The 2nd version didn't

HD textures by commander165

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
There was some question as to where the textures came from in the first release of this. It looks like Commander165 has removed those items and given proper credit for the ones that are now here.

Naboo Infantry

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров
The extra detail is nice, but I wonder if it's lost on this game when applied to infantry. Don't get me wrong, these look great and we can always stand to make things better. So forget what I said.


Добавил: The DSystem
6 просмотров


страница:   1 2 3 4 5 6
Всего материалов:  57