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Rainforest Assault

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-10-27 23:10:00
5 просмотров
This map came to be as a result of this developer loosing his internet connection, (something I can relate to :( ) and because idle hands are the Devil's playground, I assume that he was not in the mood to play on the teeter-totter with the guy in the red jumpsuit. This game is great once you get online with a few of your friends, as the developer puts it, Rainforest Assault is reminiscent of Omaha Beach, but with a twist! It's time to see how your friends...or friends-that-you-haven't-met-yet handle themselves in this awesome sequel-esque game! For a fragging good time, be sure to put on some clean socks, lock-n-load and remember...cover is a good thing! Refer to the readme for more information.
We have a first time content submitter in our midst today! Make welcome Private_Gomez as he brings, for your [b]Far Cry 2[/b] gaming enjoyment, his first ever map on [i][b]FarCry2Files[/b][/i]!
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