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P-Land City

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-10-06 22:10:00
4 просмотра
(v1.0)[/file], the developer decided to go from a jungle atmosphere to a city-scape. P-Land City offers a change to the usual backdrop that you normally find in Far Cry...no more lush foliage, or cliffs...here you'll be moving around Skyscrapers, and other structures that you would expect. Along with the normal views of a city, come the baddies from the Jungle...the Trigens are also here, so there is no enjoying the city nightlife! The developer has also stated that there are a few [i]'surprises'[/i] to be found in this map as well. this map is fun to play, and is a welcome change to the normal look of Far Cry. Refer to the readme for more information.
Patrik has returned, and he has not come empty handed; He has provided his newest Far Cry map for your gaming enjoyment. After creating his popular mappack, the [file="79047"]P-Land Mappack
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