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Far Cry


Добавил: The DSystem
2007-04-08 00:04:00
89 просмотров
returned with the follow-up to his insanely popular mappack, [i].:CATALYST:.[/i]. There are some noticably big differences with this release, for instance, with [b].:CATALYST AFTERMATH:.[/b] you have thirteen levels to make your way through, up from seven in the previous version. (Technically, there are only 12 maps, the last map, [i]Contact[/i] will be made available at a later date.) [b]The maps included in this pack are:[/b] Landing Escape Down SubLevel2 Bridge Matchstick Phlogistatic DeltaComplex Underworld Interlude 1 Invasion Interlude 2 I can think of no better way to spend some time then to pit yourself against the challenges that can be found inside this mappack. Be sure to take advantage of the times when you're not fighting for your life to explore your surroundings, and get the most out of this awesome mappack! [i]You're Jack Carver, a member of the elite Viper Squad, and you've been sent in to this strange islands somewhere in the Pacific ocean. You got captured by heavily armed mercenaries, but yor mission remains the same: 'Retrive important information about the activities on these islands...' You're not alone, your CIA contact is still there.. but, for how long? Then you'll realize that this mission was not about retrieving information, but save the entire world. The fate of the world is in your hands... or in your M4's muzzle..[/i] Refer to the readme for more information, Spanish language readme contained in the download.
The excitement is riding high in the Far Cry Community as the next version of one of the most well-known, much anticipated mappacks is released to enhance your gaming experience! [b]SkrIpT[/b] has
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