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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-29 22:07:00
8 просмотров
with an engaging back story that sets the tone for some serious Far Cry action! Robin is certainly maintaining a name for himself as a quality-driven map maker! Intel has received a recent report from the AWLC regarding a staggering decline of marine life near Camber island. Close inspection reveled a large, heavily guarded chemical plant under Merc control, and that this is the direct cause of the declining marine life in that sector. [b]They must be stopped[/b]. Intel has sent in a operative disguised as a Merc to undermine operations there...for the purpose of this operation, his code name is [i]Snitchy[/i]; We lost contact with him shortly after the drop. The powers that be then sent in their top man -- Jack Carver; The last report was from the pilot: [i]" --- We've been hit --- going down!!"[/i]! A boat has been dispatched to retrieve the operatives, but lost contact at approximately 0900hrs. Hopefully Jack survived. This Agency cannot risk any more involvement, Intelligence reports suggest that the Mercs may dump the chemicals if pressed... [b]As always, the developer has provided some tips for you:[/b] Conserve your weapons, There are not many to be found here Be as stealthy as possible Look for assets to make your mission easier There is no wildlife on the island, due to the chemicals; Sound will travel because of this Remember, they are waiting for you. Once you find yourself in the world of rll_Code-A-, you will need to start off by sneaking in and finding Snitchy, then see what he knows. Find out what kind of chemicals the Mercs are manufacturing and what they plan on doing with them. Shut down the chemical plant and do not let any thing get off that island. If you think you can complete these few [i]simple[/i] tasks, then all that's needed is for you to start your download... Refer to the readme for more information.
Robin is staying true to form, that of a map-making maniac...he has submitted his next map in the rll series of Single Player maps. As with his popular previous releases, rll_Code-A- comes complete
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