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rll_Desert Heat

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-24 23:02:00
16 просмотров
Player maps. As with his popular previous releases, rll_Desert Heat comes complete with an engaging back story that sets the tone for some serious [b]Far Cry[/b] action! [url=\"http://farcry.filefront.com/developer/Robin;26523\"]Robin[/url] is certainly making a name for himself as a quality-driven map maker! [b]The developer has provided some tips to improve your survival:[/b] All objectives can be reached Do not explore the map until you have finished. If you go to a place youre not suppose to be you could take out a critical save that will make it harder for you to complete the game. Be careful when driving over sand dunes at high speeds, you could find yourself falling from a long way up. This story begins in the southern region of the backtar desert, where shifting sands and time has uncovered an old world war two nuclear reactor. The mercs and mutants of this region have found it and are fighting for control over who will use it, but there is a problem the scientists who built it died in world war two and never turned it off. It has been running for over sixty years. The world war two scientist never counted on global warming usually global warming rises water levels but not in the desert where the opposite effect took place. The riding temperatures have evaporated the moisture and the underground water levels have decreased. The water used to cool the reactor has lowered to a dangerous level, and it can no longer cool the reactor... If the mercs or the mutants get to the reactor and fix the water problem it could power their evil projects for years... If you think you have what it takes to be victorious with this mission, then all you need to do is complete the objectives, the first being clicking the download link. Refer to the readme for more information.
[url=\"http://farcry.filefront.com/developer/Robin;26523\"]Robin[/url] is staying true to form, that of a map-making maniac...he has submitted his seventh map in the [i]rll[/i] series of Single
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