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CTF Bespin #2

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-08-13 00:08:00
9 просмотров
changes in order to connect the two sides, and afew doors added. There\'s also a x-wing floating in the ski... not to sure about that. I did notice that while fps was pretty good in most areas, there are spots where fps dropped pretty low. The author should of adjusted this. Theres not really to much to say about this one. If you like bespin, which always was a popular map, and your a fan of ctf play, this would be a nice addition to a server. I\'d like to see this with the fps issue fixed. game type: CTF, Team, FFA ~LK~
This map for jk2 known as CTF bespin #2 was submitted by Horza. This map is fairly large with primarily the old bespin map duplicated to make a blue and red side. There\'s been some other small
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