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CTF Canyon

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-06-02 00:06:00
4 просмотра
of breakable glass will make some of us happy coughAMOScough. This is a great CTF map created in a week and half, another quality map from a member of the NRGteam. I love to CTF and this is a CTF map so I am already excited and couldn’t wait to play this map. Upon playing I realized the textures are awesome and really make you feel like you are in a canyon. I kind of got lost at first but then I noticed the red and blue paint trail around the map, making it easier to navigate. Great work I can’t wait to see more of your work. Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Music: No Game Types: CTF Maddog
The Truthful Liar a great CTF map entitled CTF Canyon. CTF Canyon is your basic layout of a CTF map two sides one red and one blue. The textures used really bring this map to life, and the few pieces
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