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Jedi Knight II
Duel Academy / Jedi Training Grounds

Duel Academy / Jedi Training Grounds

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 00:07:00
8 просмотров
PurplWulf do the talking: [quote]This is a simple map recreating the Jedi Training Arena from the yavin_temple map in the SinglePlayer game. (All credit goes to Raven for the look, concept, and design of the map and it's textures.) It's usable in duel mode, FFA mode, and Team FFA mode, and all portions of the map are accessable with force powers turned off. IE: level 1 force jump I recreated this map for use mainly by myself and friends for playing on, it's a saber only map, and unfortunately has no support for bot AI. you can spawn a bot on the map, but they will only jump around and attack wildly. All other aspects of the map work perfectly to my knowledge. This map contains 6 deathmatch spawn points, and 1 single player spawn point for testing purposes. In FFA or Team FFA modes, it also contains 4 instant shield pickups, and four instant medpack pickups.[/quote]A review and rating are not applicable to this map in my humble opinion :D
You've seen this map in the Single Player game but you just want to play it in MP? Here you go! The author takes no credit but it's quite nice of him to put this "package" together, I'll just let
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