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[DS]: Half-Life Server
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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Yavin 2008

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-06-11 22:06:00
6 просмотров
core. The architectural design is mostly faithful, and on the occasions when it's not, in all honesty you'll find yourself not being that perturbed. Aside from a little linearity, the layout similarly is fine. To say the accuracy is perfect would be a lie, but it's definitely reasonable. Not only is the structure as it should be, texture usage for the most part is right on, although there are places where the surface inspector could have been used to greater effect. From what I understand, the map was designed with CTF in mind. All due respect but I don't quite feel it's up to the task of that. The linear layout means that inevitably there'll be a central point where both teams will clash and no one will ever reach the other team's base, and the 'armory' style positioning of the weapons - they are for the most part grouped in one area - allows one team to monopolise and prevent the other team from getting weapons and ammo. For better CTF suitability in a future version, I'd like to see the map expanded with more paths, and weapons more liberally positioned to prevent 'stockpiling'. The map still provides some good duel rooms despite it's unfortunate CTF unsuitability, so the map is neither wasted nor bad. There's simply room for improvement, which is presumably why the map is clearly labelled v1.0 as opposed to 'Final'. MageC is demonstrating a steady rate of improvement in mapping technique as time goes on, however, which is good. Fans of Yavin maps won't be disappointed. Buen trabajo, MageC. Espero que usted continúe mejorando. ~ Kouen (Yes, yes, I know my Spanish is awful. At least it makes more sense than my French, so give me a break. :[ ) [b]Bot Routing:[/b] Yes (FFA Only!) [b]Custom Textures:[/b] No [b]Custom Audio:[/b] No [b]Custom Meshes:[/b] No
MageC's latest map depicts several areas of the Yavin maps from both SP and MP, replicated and kitbashed together to form a multiplayer map. Aesthetically everything is in order. It's Yavin to the
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