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Jedi Knight II
Single Player
The Ladder - Full (Map + Music)

The Ladder - Full (Map + Music)

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 00:07:00
7 просмотров
[file="2199"][b]ladder_no_music.zip[/b][/file] - [i]Just the Map[/i] - A small download for dial-up users (broadband impaired :D). Everything but the music. - [file="2200"][b]ladder_music_only.zip[/b][/file] - [i]Just the Music[/i] - For those who got the map and now want the music. To start off with a quote from the author, JediNight: "The Ladder is pure, nonstop combat", and that's just what it is! This map is actually more of a "training map" but it sure is a lot of fun. Here's another quote from the author, describing the map very well: [quote]You will have to fight your way through endless waves of reborn (54 of them), each wave progressively tougher than the last. But, [b]you start the map with full saber and force powers[/b] (except saber throw 3 because level 3 saberthrow is better for fighting stormtroopers than jedi). You will even fight Tavion and, at the very end, Desann! IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED THE FULL GAME, DO NOT PLAY THIS AS IT WILL RUIN THE ENDING FOR YOU![/quote] To be honest, I was playing some eurotrash trance while testing this baby out, I forgot music was included so I can't comment on the music, although I believe I did hear some Prodigy with Smack my bitch up! Good stuff! While playing this I took 71 screenshots, mainly to show off my skillz ofcourse :) lol, of which I have placed 13 thumbs and 13 full size shots for you below! Now I played this map on the hardest setting (which is the default when you load the map through the savegames menu, see readme.txt) and to be honest, it wasn't hard at all... but then again, I can't remember the last time I didn't end up #1 while playing on jolt.co.uk FFA servers :) But then again, maybe my lame tips are to blame for finding this easy hehe :) [b](Lame) Tips[/b]: - Stun the enemy with lightning, then shrike 3 (or more?) of 'em at once with a heavy saber horizontal swing. - Run around the arena's outer ring to recharge your force so you can heal yourself (F5), the enemies will just walk behind you, looks like they're to friggin' dumb to cut you off hehe :) [b]Some Notes:[/b] - This could be considered a spoiler for those that didn't finish the Single Player campaign yet. - Tavion is easy as pie... if you know what I mean. - Desann only took 4 heavy saber strikes to kill, he didn't even scratch me :D - Some tips / cool things you can try out can be found in the included readme.txt - F9 and F12 (default keys for quick-save and quick-load) are your only friends here... :D [b]Installation Instructions:[/b] These can also be found in the included readme.txt file (which can be viewed below), but I just wanted to stick 'em here too: 1) Drop the ladder.pk3 file in your Jedi Knight II's GameData/base folder. 2a) Bring down the console (SHIFT+~) and type "map ladder". 2b) Go to your load menu and load the savegame named "ladder". Be warned, however, that I saved the game on hard difficulty, if you want to play on an easier difficulty, either set it in the menu or on the console (set "g_spskill" to "0" or "1"). [b]Screenshots:[/b] And now, the screenshots, featuring me (Pro-Filer) :D Me Vs. 4 Reborn | "The Sucking Hole" Bring it on! Action! And more action! Even Pro-Filer's die :( Kicking Black Jedi ass! Tavion Dies | Desann Dies :cya: What a happy end! :cya: Now go and try this map out already! Enjoy! :beer:
There are 2 "versions" of this map available, plus an extra download: - [b]ladder_music.zip[/b] (this page / file) - [i]The Full Package[/i] - The map and the music. -
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