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Legolas Greenleaf

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-07-25 00:07:00
9 просмотров
movie!!), and a very nice touch to boot. My only problems lie in the disappointment I felt when I took the model for a spin. The forehead stands out a bit too much (he acknowledges this), the skin is a little sub-par in the details department (I felt like I was playing Lord of the Rings: The Cartoon) and the arms were pretty large. Almost Popeye large. Other than those flaws, it\'s a great model, and I can\'t wait to see what skins people develop for it. Definitely a must-have, though I feel a Legolas 2.0 is needed in the future to satisfy the LOTR masses ^_^. Great job Matt! I look forward to the next version! Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes - Chrono
Matt Liell brings us his long-awaited Legolas Greenleaf model, as featured in the Lord of The Rings movies. He comes complete with both Red and Blue CTF variants, bot support, new sounds (from the
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