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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
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Londo Mollari

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-02-27 00:02:00
10 просмотров
the ambassador of the Centauri race to the Babylon 5 station. Doomed to indirectly betray many of the galaxy\'s known species, Mollari\'s story is indeed a sad one. Some even say that Londo is REALLY the central character of the series. Yes, I am a B5 fan. :D This is a great-quality model. I noticed only mild clipping, but this was because I was looking for it. The likeness is VERY close, and the facial and clothing detail is pretty good. I\'ve seen sharper, but sharper tends to bring out the differences in the facial resemblance. The audio that comes with the model is a collection of Londo\'s priceless quotes from the series, which is a good thing, because Londo was easily the most quotable of the characters. Kevin, if you are into doing B5 characters, I have one major request. NARN BAT SQUAD! NARN BAT SQUAD! NARN BAT SQUAD!!!! Absolutely love it. :D Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes Astyanax
Continuing our coincidental tradition of 1 or 2 fantastic new models per week, we received this wonderful Babylon 5 model from Kevin Coyle. For you non-Babylon 5 fans out there, Londo Mollari is
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