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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
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Leela Civilian

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-04-14 00:04:00
8 просмотров
course, the skins included were still a little boring. But that was just the Jedi version. Now DAK releases a civilian version. The default skin is very basic. Just some pants that are much like Jan\'s, but black, a little black shirt and a jacket. She has a few accessories and unlike Jan, no ugly, cumbersome glove. There\'s also a version that\'s very similiar, but sans the jacket. And then there\'s a less clothed version. Leela wears a little leather-like skirt and a tiny corset that shows a lot of skin, but not too much. My only problem with this skin is the lack of navel. I mean, is it just me or does that look a bit odd? The last two screens just show the two different ponytails. There is bot support included, but no team support or new sounds. But let me explain why I\'m not terribly disappointed by that. This skin/model is more like a blank canvas for skinners out there. So it makes sense that if anyone uses her for their own skin that they\'ll add team skins and customized sounds for themselves. Y\'know? Anyway, great work DAK, as always. :) Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: No New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
Being a girl gamer myself, I always love to see a good female model/skin released. I was so excited when DAK released the Leela Jedi model. Finally, a female model with different hairstyles! Of
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