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Master Lovestad's Jan skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-20 00:12:00
6 просмотров
fairly well as it stays in the UV map without running into other portions of the skin, and it looks like there's some texture to it. I think it's because the author used a blend layer over to keep the previous texture. However, it also features text on the top of the skin. I have no idea how many times it's been said before, but text on top of the skin looks horible. It's even worse here since there was no real attempt to blend it into the skin. A bigger problem is that this skin looks like the author just randomly edited it with no real goal in mind. I don't why there's purple spots on her pants, why there's red lines on her chaps, why he put a clan logo on her chest, or why Jan would go out looking like this. I can see some decent things here, like using blend layers instead of painting all over it or using the (shudder) spray can, but there's so much here that makes no sense. I advise the author to have a goal in mind for his next project. Team Support: Yes Bot Support: No New Sounds: No ~IfritZero~ **Note** This is really a skin. I didn't notice that I put it in with the models until I submitted it.
This skin is basically Jan recolored teal on her shirt, her vest and pants are now black, there's red scribbling on her chaps, and she has text on her back and butt. The recoloring here is done
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