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Battle Droid Model (JKO)

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-11 00:12:00
8 просмотров
Well, here we have a Battle Droid model, and FOUR skins by the author to go with it. Sweet. This is the sort of thing that makes you just say “wow, some added effort.” The skins follow what I call LA Squads. That is, red, blue, green, and yellow. Good job here, too. While there isn’t much else to say on this (which is unfortunate because of its quality), the droid does come with sounds. However, unlike most skins and models, these sounds aren’t blurry or lengthy. While I imagine they are taken from the movies and games, they sounds just like you are there hearing them. No fuzz, no static, just the sounds. Awesomeness. And finally, we have bot support. Not much to say on that, but it is useful for 56kers who want a movie-like experience. While I usually don’t think bot support is vital to a skin or model, it is nice to have it on a Star Wars model. People want the full experience, you know? Overall, this is worth your download. I suggest you get it. Team Support: Yes Bot Support: YES New Sounds Yes! We have a winnar! ~Wassup1444465
Battle Droids. One of the “wasted” things in Episode I, in my opinion. They were so cool, and yet fell flat because of a sub-par movie. However, that’s no reason to not play as them in JK, now is it?
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