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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-01-16 00:01:00
10 просмотров
puts it: The strong Dug physique comes from evolution on a high gravity world. On Malastare, the Dugs are arboreal beings, brachiating among the canopies with alarming speed. They have built primitive villages called tree thorps in the Malastare forests of the western continent. An especially dangerous Dug who could once be found roaming the streets of Mos Espa, Sebulba is a shifty Podracing champion who never lets such trite concepts as rules and sportsmanship get in the way of victory. Sebulba is a perfectionist. He personally organizes and rehearses the bands that play his fanfare whenever he enters a racing arena. This model's physique is pretty darn close to the real Sebulba. He definitely looks like he is walking on his hands and holding a saber with his feet, and in action, he freakishly looks like a thing from another world. Facial geometry detail is not super-fine, but a really great balance between excellent detail and limited polygons. Should be pretty smooth on most renderers. There is no LOD support...yet. Not only will you find team colors, but also Racer and Jedi outfits for Sebulba, coming to a total of 5 variations. The taunt is crystal clear, and very much sounding like Sebulba's insults from Episode I. Use your Mod to scale him down to 0.7 size, so he's more in line with the real Sebulba. Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Taunt: Yes Most impressive! - Astyanax
Okay, this one takes the prize as one of the most exotic player models I've seen yet in the game. Never expected anyone to actually pull off Sebulba, but here he is! As the StarWars.com databank
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