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Blade Mod Promo

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-28 22:04:00
8 просмотров
in MP and SP versions of the games. Most of the weapons have new skins, effects and sounds or are remodeled by other authors. You are able to have and change both hilts in each hand and you can have the blades appear as if they glow the same as they do in a duel. The authors have added a new map and sounds as well. New start up screen and other little touches make this feel more like its on game then a mod. Blood was added instead of the sparks, when you cut a limb off you see a red stump and not the yellowish one you would usually see. All of the night creatures and Blade fans will be happy to play this mod. I initially was very excited to review this mod and after playing it I was a little disappointed. There isn’t that much no going here just a bunch of things from other mods rolled into one. Most of the skins are not that good in quality taking the realism down a notch and in the SP the Jan skin is missing her torso. Other then my two statements above this mod was overall fun and refreshing. Nice work guys I can’t wait for an official release with better skins/models and more original works added. Maddog
The Blade Mod Team bring us the beta of their mod entitled Blade Mod MP Promo. This mod is a compilation of parts from other mods like JediPLUS, BOFH and Saberist. This replaces thirteen players
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