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Callisto Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-29 22:07:00
9 просмотров
some "oomph" to the game ;). [quote]Changes: saber is now kinda orangy and the blurcore is changed Kyle is wearing leather clothes with an exposed sixpac, kyle sprayed his hair red, jan is now a blondie, luke thought he'd join the circus and has never taken off his makeup ever since, the flechette skin is now really cool ^_^ the thermal detonater is a smily face the e-11 is now a 'snowtroop rifle' and shoots purple lasers, the emp secondary shockwave is red orange yellowy force push is now TONS mad since i turned it into toxic gas, there is blood rain at the swamp, force gem is now sith stone, bacta is red, ghost morgan is now a gold statue.[/quote] It's pretty neat, check it out :D Just a few screenies showing some of the skinned stuff :)
Callisto is kind of a total conversion mod of types ;) It changes skins/weapons/other things :D And not just subtle completely unnoticeable changes, these ones you can see clearly! Definitely adds
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