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Graphics Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-06-23 22:06:00
8 просмотров
renamed several force powers, changed the title from silver to gold, removes the shield, makes fire appear more vivid, changes the effects for certain weapons, renames the red/blue teams to Imperial/Rebel, and removes the bubble from Capture The Ysalimiri. A basic mod, although some might like the changes. Personally I prefer vanilla JK2, just because that's what JK2 is, and always has been. But hey, if you like the sounds of this, give it a download. Don't complain about lack of screenshots, please. The author didn't submit any, and we're no longer obligated to take them ourselves. While under normal circumstances I would have taken some anyway, right now we're all just too busy. ~ Kouen
This basic mod replaces several graphics items in JK2. It renames the stances to their actual names, replaces the saber stance icon on the HUD, removes the effect from certain force powers,
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