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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Las Vegas Troopers

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-13 22:09:00
17 просмотров
Vegas troopers, very cool pack! First we have the hilts, which glow a pretty cool glow, either Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, and a default glow. Then we have a shadow trooper with a cooler black suit on, and it does not stop there! The Red version is really cool, looks like a computer with circuits and stuff :) Nice touch, then the blue model looks about the same, but with blue circuits :) Then the Storm trooper, is very similar to the shadow trooper, but still great job at making a plain stormy into something awesome, then the red model of this skin is again very similar to the last model but a storm trooper, the blue.. same thing. The Swamp Trooper is AGAIN very similar to the last two, but the red version instead has red speckles all over him, and the same with the blue, very good use of shaders for these mods! I will give this mod an 8/10 Very nice, I like the new saber hilts :) but next time try to make the skins allitle different from each other instead off all the same things, great job, keep it up! New Sounds-No Team-Colors-Yes Bot Support-Yes ~ReVan~
MistaMM brings us another awesome mini mod! He has again made some saber hilt shaders, and made three real cool skins, a Shadow Trooper, a Storm trooper, and a Swamp Trooper, This pack is called Las
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